Construyendo la colmena: una entrevista con la Colectiva Colmena Verde

En América Latina, una nueva ola de movimientos feministas se ha extendido, particularmente en los últimos años. Países como Chile, Argentina, Brasil y México han presenciado grandes marchas y huelgas lideradas por mujeres en contra del abuso y la violencia de género. Históricamente, estos grupos de mujeres y sus predecesoras han sentando las bases para la resistencia contra la violencia sistémica y estructural arraigada profundamente en estas regiones. En algunos casos, han podido cambiar y redefinir las políticas al ayudar a pasar leyes para promover la igualdad y abordar la…

Building the Beehive: An Interview with Colmena Verde Collective

EN/ES In Latin America, a new wave of feminist movements has been spreading, particularly in the last couple of years. Countries like Chile, Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico have seen huge marches and strikes by women against gender-based violence and abuse. Historically, these women’s groups and their predecessors have been setting the foundations for the groundwork of resistance against systemic and structural violence rooted deeply in these regions. And in some cases, they have been able to change and redefine politics by helping pass laws to promote equality and tackle violence…

Safer at Home: An interview with Patricia Yossen

Patricia Yossen is an Argentine-born contemporary artist and educator based in Los Angeles, California where she established her practice in 2008. Twice an immigrant, Yossen’s immersion into art came about in Mexico in the late ‘90s when she refined her sculpting techniques and experienced the artistic and cultural life of the country’s capital – an experience further enriched by her move to the United States. Yossen’s intimate body of work investigates contemporary ideas of domesticity and its intersections with professional life using a minimal and eloquent visual language. Her thoughtful…